Another sneaky update to Amazon Vine


Amazon like to surprise us sometimes with a sneaky update, conveniently forgetting to let the sellers know. They strike again with a big update to Amazon Vine.

What’s the Amazon Vine programme?

Amazon Vine allows businesses to submit their products to be sent out to trusted reviewers to get honest reviews written on their listings. These can be good or bad. Ultimately, it helps boost the product ranking in the search results.


Reviews are so important to customers shopping online.

So what’s the latest update?

Businesses could originally submit up to 5 products into the programme. A measly number many cried. Well, perhaps Amazon listened – now brand registered accounts can submit up to 60!


From 5 to 60 overnight – why so secret?

Great news…except they didn’t actually announce it. As there’s been no official update it’s hard to say if it’s genuine, but our clients have been submitting to Amazon Vine this morning with no problems. It seems a bizarre update to keep quiet about. Surely it’s in Amazon’s best interest to get businesses involved?

It’s almost as bizarre as adding a fee of £140 per product without mentioning it. For a service that used to be free, you’d think they’d be shouting about it. It’s an opportunity for them to get more money out of the sellers, so why have they kept so quiet?

We wonder what secret updates will be next. Head to our blog to keep up to date on the latest from the world of Amazon.
